O'Connor and the College
Flannery O'Connor is one of Georgia College & State University's most famed alumni. Known for her southern gothic fiction writings, O'Connor grew up, attended the Georgia State College for Women (now GCSU), and completed the bulk of her literary career in Milledgeville. Georgia College & State University is proud to have cared for (through the university's Special Collections) and interpreted (through the Department of Museums) the growing collections from Flannery O'Connor's life since 1970. The Department of Museums, Ina Dillard Russell Library, and The Department of English work within the University to foster inspiration, scholarship, and engagement with O'Connor's literature and legacy.

Assorted Regards
Our blogsite is where Andalusia staff at the Home of Flannery O'Connor, including student docents, contribute their research and writings to highlight various aspects of the museum's collections. With subjects such as Flannery's driving experiences and the property's peafowl, this blog expands upon life at Andalusia not found within our tour's interpretation.