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Georgia College & State University (GCSU) offers a unique professional development opportunity. The program is designed for any P-12 teacher or supplemental reading teacher who is interested in learning how to better meet the needs of the students in his/her classroom. Applicants must pass the John H. Lounsbury Graduate Writing Assessment to be admitted to the Reading Endorsement Program. The program addresses the competencies required by the Professional Standards Commission’s Georgia Reading Endorsement. It emphasizes classroom application and addresses three strands:

  • Understanding Readers and the Reading Process
  • Linking Literacy Assessment and Instruction
  • Instructional Strategies in the content areas across Pre-K-12 educators.

This program requires a limited number of meetings per semester. The remainder of the work is on line.

EDRD 6000

Reading Process and Pedagogy

(3 semester hours)

EDRD 6001

Reading Assessment

(3 semester hours)

Specialized Teaching of Reading (Choice of 1)

EDRD 6002

Early Childhood Reading Instruction

(3 semester hours)


EDRD 6003

Middle Grades and Secondary Reading Instruction

(3 semester hours)


9 semester hours

Reading Endorsement students do not have to take a GACE content test for adding the endorsement to their certificates. However, they must be recommended by the GCSU Certification Officer to the Professional Standards Commission.

Georgia College & State University • 231 W. Hancock St. • Milledgeville, GA 31061 • 1-800-342-0471 ; (478)445-5004 •