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The Georgia Student Finance Commission administers the HOPE Scholarship program according to laws passed by the Georgia General Assembly. These regulations are subject to change. The HOPE Scholarship provides non-repayable financial assistance to eligible Georgia residents. Students must graduate from an eligible Georgia High School with a 3.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) in the College Preparatory Curriculum track. This scholarship will cover tuition, mandatory fees at predetermined levels, and a book allowance at Georgia public colleges for eligible students. Under this program, students may receive this scholarship to 127 attempted semester hours provided the student maintains the required grade point average. Students may not receive funds for any HOPE Program after being paid for 127 hours.

Georgia College & State University • 231 W. Hancock St. • Milledgeville, GA 31061 • 1-800-342-0471 ; (478)445-5004 •