College of Arts & Sciences

The core of our liberal arts institution.
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Develop the critical and creative skills for life-long learning in an ever-evolving, fast-paced world

Welcome to the College of Arts and Sciences! We are the heart of the liberal arts mission at Georgia College. We offer baccalaureate and graduate degree programs in the fine and applied arts, the humanities, the behavioral and social sciences, the physical, biological, and mathematical sciences, and various professional fields.

In the spirit of the liberal arts, we challenge students to address the analytical, historical, cultural, and philosophical foundations of their disciplines. We prepare students to work in ever-evolving industries in which individuals who can think critically and focus on problem solving thrive. We push students to think independently and communicate effectively in a free and open exchange of ideas. And we understand that studying what you love and getting the skills that you need is the best preparation for a fulfilling post-baccalaureate life.

We encourage students to engage in scholarly and creative activities. These activities may involve doing research directly with faculty members, working with the community through cooperative partnerships, or participating in internships with business partners. Study abroad programs offer further opportunities to open the world as a classroom to you. The connections, education, and leadership skills you learn in the College of Arts and Sciences equip you to enter into an ever-changing, diversifying workforce and encourage you to embrace the spirit of lifelong learning.

Study what you LOVE! Get the skills that you NEED! We’ll see you in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Explore Our Programs

Undergraduate Degrees
Graduate Degrees
Minors & Other Programs