Engage three-five large organizations to develop MOUs with detailed expectations and benefits. It is expected that the companies will provide class projects, serve as elevator pitch) and/or other competitions) judges, attend GC Career fairs, employ students as interns, and participate in other CoBT HIPs. Additionally, we seek ways for faculty to participate in externships with companies in areas that support their teaching and research. These organizations are broadly defined to include those large enough to have a steady stream of project/internships and engaged involvement.
Action Steps
1: Craft University-Employer Partnership
1: Craft a general university-employer partnership proposal

- Champions:
Dean; Leadership Team - Goals/Target Dates:
2023 - 2024 - Key Performance Indicators:
Crafted Proposal
2: Identify Partners
2: Begin identifying potential partners and engage in outreach

In Progress
- Champions:
Dean; Development Officer; Business Outreach Coordinator - Goals/Target Dates:
2023 - 2024 - Key Performance Indicators:
Identified and already reached out to Robins AFB and Fouts Brothers
Currently identifying other local businesses as well as large companies
3: Host Gathering with Organizations
3: Host a gathering of 2-5 organizations to explore further opportunities

In Progress
- Champions:
Dean; Leadership Team - Goals/Target Dates:
Spring 2024 - Key Performance Indicators:
Hosted luncheon for 5 minority-owned companies in March 2024
Hosted luncheon and other events with Robins in March 2024 - Resources Needed:
$1000 to pay for luncheon
4: Sign MOUs
4. Sign MOUs with 2-3 organizations

In Progress
- Champions:
Dean; Legal Affairs - Goals/Target Dates:
2023 & Continuing - Key Performance Indicators:
Signed MOU with Robins AFB in May 2023
In process of signing MOU with Fouts Brothers Caroline Collier has several MOUs with companies for web services