Task Force Participants

The Dean will lead a 17-person Strategic Planning Task Force to include the following:

Dr. Holley Roberts (Representative from Academic Affairs)
Dr. Holley Roberts
Dr. Tanya Goette (Interim Dean)

College of Business & Technology Strategic Management Committee

JJ Arias (Department Chair)
Dr. JJ Arias
Nancy Finney (Staff Leader)
Nancy Finney
Dr. Juan Ling (Senior Faculty)
Dr. Juan Ling
Dr. Jehan El-Jourbagy (Junior Faculty)
Dr. Jehan El-Jourbagy

College of Business & Technology Leadership Board

Barry Wolfe (Vice Chair)

Barry Wolfe

Mike Madison

Mike Madison

Rhonda Wood

Rhonda Wood

Student Leaders / Alumni

Jamie Reid (DSAB; MIS/PSYC)

Jamie Reid

JR Batchelor (Management)

JR Batchelor 

Tess Dimauro (MMIS)

Tess Dimauro

Tom Swinson (MLSCM Alumni)

Tom Swinson 

Will Perry (MBA Alumni)

Will Perry 

Luke Bright (Employer, Marketing Alumni)

Luke Bright

GC&SU Foundation Board Member

Rob Betzel

Rob Betzel