Georgia College & State University students often express how their instructor created transformative learning experiences for them, how they created a learning experience that changed their lives, or how they feel better prepared after taking a course. So, beginning Fall 2021, the Center for Teaching and Learning at Georgia College & State University wanted to find a way to recognize instructors who impact their students in positive ways.
The GCSU Thank-a-Teacher nomination program is our way to let our instructors know that we value their work with our students and provides them with a tangible way to track the good work they are doing.
Once we receive a nomination, we use the response to generate a letter on behalf of the nominee. We also present the instructor with a certificate to acknowledge the nomination. Instructors receive their nominations by email after grades are due for the Fall and Spring semesters.
For more details, don't hesitate to contact the Center for Teaching and Learning at or 478-445-2520.
Do you have an instructor who has made a positive impact on you? If so, you will have the opportunity to tell us during the last three weeks of the semester.
The Center for Teaching and Learning will collect your responses to present a letter to your instructor nominee. We will also give the instructor a certificate acknowledging your nomination. You can remain anonymous, or you can provide us with your information to share with the instructor.
Follow this link to complete the Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU form or watch a short video to learn more.
For questions, please contact the Center for Teaching & Learning at or 478-445-2520.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Who can receive a nomination? Any instructor who teaches at Georgia College & State University.
- Can the same student nominate an instructor multiple times? While we acknowledge an instructor may have an ongoing impact on you, we ask that each student nominate an instructor only one time.
- How many nominations can an instructor receive each semester? An instructor may get multiple nominations from different students up to the number of students who submit a nomination.
- Can the nomination come from someone other than a student? Currently, we are only accepting student nominations at this time.
- Since only students can nominate instructors, what other ways can I acknowledge an instructor? There are other processes in place at Georgia College & State University to acknowledge instructors (i.e., Academic Affairs Excellence Awards), or you can send a personal note (i.e., email) to let the instructor know how much you appreciate them.
- What if the instructor I want to nominate no longer works at Georgia College & State University? While it is a nice gesture to acknowledge your instructor who may no longer work for Georgia College & State University, we may not be able to present the letter and certificate to your instructor unless you have their personal contact information.
- Can I nominate an instructor who taught me before the Fall 2021 semester? Since the program only started at GCSU Fall 2021, we ask that nominations begin no earlier than Fall 2021.
- Where can I share a concern that I have about my instructor? The Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU program is to acknowledge instructors who have had a positive impact on you. If you have a concern, follow the chain of command by contacting your instructor first. You can also express constructive feedback on the Student Rating of Instruction Survey (SRIS), which is emailed to your bobcat's email account for feedback at the end of the semester.
Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU Recipients - Fall 2024
The Center for Teaching and Learning is honored to present the list of recipients of student recognition from the Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU Fall 2024 initiative! Here, you can view the complete list of recipients.
Faculty will receive an email with each student's letter(s) and their Thank-a-Teacher @GCSU certificate(s) for display.
Congratulations to our Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU Fall 2024 recipients! They are:
Adel Almasarwah | Gehad Abdelal | Matthew Milnes |
Al Mead | George Cazacu | Max Harleman |
Alexandra Berglund | Gina Towner | Mehrnaz Khalajhedayati |
Amelia Malcom | Hauke Busch | Melissa Martino |
Amy Johnson | Heather Cox | Michael Dreher |
Amy Sumpter | Hedwig Fraunhofer | Mike Martino |
Angel Abney | Helen Dupree | Min Kim |
Angela Walczyk | Huaiyu Wang | Miriam Jordan |
Ania Rynarzewska | James Baugh | Mohsen Mosayebi |
Aric Wilhau | James Owens | Nah Han |
Arnab Sengupta | Jan Hoffmann | Nancy Beasley |
Austin Koch | Jared Moore | Nathan Bedsole |
Austin Parks | Jeffrey Maclachlan | Nathanael Williams |
Autumn Cockrellabdullah | Jehan Eljourbagy | Navid Safari |
Bailey Duxbury | Jennifer Flaherty | Nicholas Creel |
Beate Czogalla | Jessie Affleck | Nick Beadles |
Benjamin Whittle | Jill Robbins | Rachel Epstein |
Brad Fowler | Joanna Schwartz | Randall Bonser |
Brandon Samples | Joanne Spalding | Rebecca Cooke |
Brian Newsome | Joel Alvarez | Robert Allen |
Bruce Snyder | John Huang | Robert Sumowski |
Bryan Marshall | John Moore | Roberto Leon |
Cassie Napier | Jordan Crider | Roger Coate |
Chelsey Brantley | Joshua Morrow | Sallie Coke |
Chika Unigwe | Juan Ling | Samuel Mutiti |
Chris Lowery | Julian Knox | Sanford Dennis |
Christina Gillespie | Kalina Manoylov | Scott Butler |
Christina Smith | Karina Jolly | Scott Cox |
Christopher Clark | Kathryn Livingston | Sebastien Portalier |
Chuck Fahrer | Katie Whipple | Seth Tomko |
Colin Whitworth | Kelly Massey | Stacy Waller |
Crystal Johstono | Kendra Evans | Stephanie Jett |
Damian Francis | Kent Hill | Stephanie Leggett |
Damita James | Kerry Evans | Stephanie Mcclure |
Daniel Holcombe | Kerry Neville | Stephanie Opperman |
Darla Rich | Kevin Spann | Stephen Wills |
David Deposada | Kristina Dandy | Steve Elliott-Gower |
Dean Copelan | Kurt Reinhard | Susan Manrodt |
Diana Adams | Kwan Christenson | Tabitha Humphrey |
Diane Gregg | Larry Newton | Taqueicia Colbert |
Eddie Thomas | Laurie Peebles | Taylor Elsey |
Emily Mckinney | Lee Gillis | Tina Holmes-Davis |
Emily Parrish | Leeann Kelley | Tony Alcarria |
Emily Pucker | Lori Mcgalliard | Victor Burns |
Eric Kobbe | Lynnette Larocque | Ward Risvold |
Eric Rindal | Maria Buermudez | Whitney Ginder |
Ernie Kaninjing | Mark Causey | Whitney Heppner |
Eryn Viscarra | Mark Huddle | William Risch |
Fiona Dodge | Mary Rickard | |
Frank Richardson | Matheson Sanchez |
Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU Recipients - Spring 2024
The Center for Teaching and Learning is honored to present the list of recipients of student recognition from the Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU Spring 2024 initiative! Here, you can view the complete list of recipients.
Faculty will receive an email with each student's letter(s) and their Thank-a-Teacher @GCSU certificate(s) for display.
Congratulations to our Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU Spring 2024 recipients! They are:
Adam Lamparello | Emily Parrish | Laquisa Thomas | Pamela Brookins |
Alexandra Berglund | Emuesiri Oduaran | Larry Newton | Rachel Bray |
Amelia Malcom | Eric Kobbe | Laura Childs | Randall Bonser |
Amy Sumpter | Fred Godin | Laura Mckay | Rebecca Cooke |
Andrei Barkovskii | Glynnis Haley | Lee Kirven | Roberto Leon |
Angela Queen | Gretchen Ionta | Leeann Kelley | Roddran Grimes |
Ania Rynarzewska | Heather Patterson | Leng Ling | Ruby Holsenbeck |
Aric Wilhau | Hedwig Fraunhofer | Lyndall Muschell | Rui Kang |
Arnab Sengupta | Huaiyu Wang | Marcela Chiorescu | Sallie Coke |
Ashley Taylor | Hunter Strickland | Marcia Peck | Samuel Mutiti |
Ashok Hegde | James Winchester | Mariana Stoyanova | Sandra Godwin |
Benjamin Clark | Jane Hinson | Mark Causey | Sara Doude |
Bethany Mcclure | Jebessa Mijena | Matthew Milnes | Scott Buchanan |
Betsy Short | Jeffrey Maclachlan | Matthew Pangborn | Scott Butler |
Bob Duesing | Jehan Eljourbagy | Max Harleman | Scott Cox |
Brad Fowler | Jeremy Cudd | Meg Geddy | Stephanie Leggett |
Brandon Samples | Jill Robbins | Mehrnaz Khalajhedayati | Stephen Hoy |
Brian Eckley | Jinkyung Park | Mia Eaton | Stephen Merritt |
Brooke Rudow | Joanna Schwartz | Michael Crews | Stephen Wills |
Charlotte Brown | John Moore | Mike Martino | Sunita Manian |
Christopher Burt | John Trombley | Min Kim | Suzanna Roman-Oliver |
Christopher Clark | Jonna Smith | Miriam Jordan | Tanya Goette |
Christopher Hendley | Juan Ling | Mohammad Jizi | Taylor Elsey |
Claire Sanders | Julian Knox | Mohsen Mosayebi | Thomas Frye |
Clayton Faircloth | Kaitlyn Newman | Monica Ketchie | Tina Holmes-Davis |
Craig Callender | Kasey Karen | Nancy Beasley | Tonya Richardson |
Cullen Wallace | Kathryn Livingston | Natalie Toomey | Tracy Butts |
Cynthia Alby | Katie Whipple | Navid Safari | Valerie Aranda |
Daniel Holcombe | Kerry Evans | Nicholas Creel | Victor Burns |
Darla Rich | Kevin Hunt | Nick Beadles | Ward Risvold |
David Weese | Kim Muschaweck | Olha Osobov | Wathsala Medawala |
Diane Gregg | Kwan Christenson | Omolola Ologunorisa | William Fisher |
Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU Recipients - Fall 2023
The Center for Teaching and Learning is honored to present the list of faculty recipients of student recognition from the Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU Fall 2023 initiative! Here, you can view the complete list of recipients.
Faculty will receive an email with each student's letter(s) and their Thank-a-Teacher @GCSU certificate(s) for display.
Congratulations to our Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU Fall 2023 recipients! They are:
Adam Lamparello | Diane Gregg | Kent Hill | Robert Allen |
Adel Almasarwah | Dominic Desantis | Kerry Neville | Robert Sumowski |
Alesa Liles | Doris Santarone | Kevin Hunt | Roberta Gorham |
Allison VandeVoort | Doug Oetter | Kevin Spann | Roberto Leon |
Amy Johnson | Elissa Auerbach | Kim Muschaweck | Ruby Holsenbeck |
Amy Pinney | Ellen France | Kristina Dandy | Rui Kang |
Andrei Barkovskii | Emily Parrish | Kristina Hirsch | Sallie Coke |
Ania Rynarzewska | Emily Pucker | Krystal Canady | Sally Humphries |
Arash Bodaghee | Eric Kobbe | Kwan Christenson | Sandra Copeland |
Aric Wilhau | Eric Rindal | Larry Newton | Sandra Godwin |
Arnab Sengupta | Eryn Viscarra | Laura Newbern | Sara Doude |
Bailey Mcalister | Gina Towner | Lee Kirven | Scott Butler |
Bekir Mugayitoglu | Glynnis Haley | Linda Bradley | Scott Cox |
Benjamin Clark | Gongbing Hong | Marcela Chiorescu | Scott Stefano |
Benjamin Elliott | Hedwig Fraunhofer | Marcia Henry | Shahram Talei |
Betsy Short | Helen Dupree | Mariana Stoyanova | Shannon Skelton |
Brad Fowler | Hussain Alibrahim | Mark Causey | Shawn Evangelista |
Brandy Kennedy | Jacob McAlpin | Mark Huddle | Sheryl Winn |
Brent Evans | James Winchester | Marshall Smith | Sidonia Serafini |
Brian Bowman | Jan Hoffmann | Martha Allen | Simplice Tchamna |
Brittney Hardin | Jane Hinson | Mary Rickard | Stacy Waller |
Brooke Rudow | Jeannie Pridmore | Matheson Sanchez | Stephanie Mcclure |
Bruce Snyder | Jebessa Mijena | Max Harleman | Stephen Merritt |
Bryan Hall | Jeffrey MacLachlan | Mehrnaz Khalaj Hedayati | Stephen Wills |
Carmen Woodhall | Jehan El-Jourbagy | Mia Eaton | Sujani Gamage |
Caroline Collier | Jennifer Flaherty | Mikkel Christensen | Suzanna Roman-Oliver |
Catrena Lisse | Jennifer Flory | Min Kim | Taylor Elsey |
Charles Ubah | Jessica Wallace | Mohsen Mosayebi | TM Chiang |
Charlotte Brown | JF Yao | Molly Wilkins | Tony Alcarria |
Chika Unigwe | Jill Robbins | Nancy Beasley | Tonya Richardson |
Christopher Burt | Joanna Schwartz | Nathan Bedsole | Tracy Butts |
Christopher Clark | John Huang | Navid Safari | Victor Burns |
Christopher Hendley | Joy Godin | Neil Jones | Ward Risvold |
Claire Sanders | Juan Ling | Nicholas Creel | Wathsala Medawala |
Corey Claxton | Juli Gittinger | Noland White | Wc Wilkinson |
Craig Callender | Kaitlyn Newman | Olha Osobov | Whitney Ginder |
Cynthia Alby | Karl Manrodt | Omolola Ologunorisa | Whitney Heppner |
Daniel Scallet | Kasey Karen | Paige Rutner | William Fisher |
Darla Rich | Kathryn Livingston | Pamela Brookins | Xiaomeng Lu |
Dave Bachoon | Kelley Ditzel | Rachel Epstein | Yeprem Mehranian |
David Deposada | Kelly Lee | Rachel Kerger | Yi Liu |
David Weese | Kendra Evans | Randall Bonser | |
Dean Copelan | Kenneth Trussell | Rebecca Cooke |
Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU Recipients - Spring 2023
The Center for Teaching and Learning is honored to present the list of faculty recipients of student recognition from the Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU Spring 2023 initiative! Here, you can view the complete list of recipients.
Faculty will receive an email with each student's letter(s) and their Thank-a-Teacher @GCSU certificate(s) for display.
Congratulations to our Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU Spring 2023 recipients! They are:
Adam Lamparello | David Weese | Katie Whipple | Omolola Ologunorisa |
Alesa Liles | Dean Copelan | Kelly Lee | Peter Selgin |
Alexandra Berglund | Debbie Greene | Kendra Evans | Rachel Epstein |
Angela Queen | Diana Young | Kerry Evans | Rachel Kerger |
Angela Walker | Diane Gregg | Kerry Neville | Rebecca Cooke |
Ania Rynarzewska | Dianna Akin | Laurie Peebles | Robert Allen |
Anna Johns | Eddie Thomas | Lee Gillis | Roddran Grimes |
Anthonia Anukam | Ellen France | Lee Kirven | Ronald Okoth |
Arnab Sengupta | Emily Parrish | Leeann Kelley | Rui Kang |
Aron Liebig | Ernie Kaninjing | Leng Ling | Sabrina Hom |
Ashleigh Ikemoto | Flor Culpabondal | Libby Murphy | Sandria Stephenson |
Ashley Copeland | Frank Richardson | Linda Bradley | Sara Doude |
Ashley Taylor | Gail Godwin | Linda Rocha | Sayo Fakayode |
Beate Czogalla | Gregory Glotzbecker | Lori McGalliard | Scott Cox |
Bekir Mugayitoglu | Gregory Wascoe | Marcela Chiorescu | Scott Dillard |
Benjamin Benson | Hank Edmondson | Marshall Smith2 | Seth Cook |
Benjamin Clark | Helen Dupree | Mary Crook | Sherrianne Forde |
Betsy Short | Huaiyu Wang | Mary Rickard | Sheryl Winn |
Brad Fowler | Isarin Durongkadej | Matheson Sanchez | Sidonia Serafini |
Brantley Nicholson | James Baugh | Matthew Pangborn | Sina Amiri |
Brent Evans | James Callaghan | Meg Geddy | Stacy Waller |
Bruce Gentry | James Welborn | Mehrnaz Khalajhedayati | Stefanie Sevcik |
Bryan Marshall | James Winchester | Michael Crews | Stephanie Jett |
Carmen Woodhall | Jan Hoffmann | Michael Dreher | Stephanie McClure |
Carrie Cook | Jebessa Mijena | Mikkel Christensen | Stephen Merritt |
Catherine Maloney | Jeffrey Maclachlan | Min Kim | Stephen Wills |
Cathleen Oneal | Jehan Eljourbagy | Miriam Jordan | Susan Craig |
Catrena Lisse | Jennifer Tatum | Mohammad Jizi | Suzanna Roman-Oliver |
Charles Ubah | Jessie Folk | Mohsen Mosayebi | Talecia Warren |
Chris Greer | Jf Yao | Molly Wilkins | Timothy Connors |
Christina Smith | Jinkyung Park | Monica Ketchie | Tina Holmes-Davis |
Christopher Burt | Joanna Schwartz | Morgan Fordham | Tony Alcarria |
Christopher Clark | John Moore | Moussa Seck | Valerie Aranda |
Colin Bishoff | Jonna Smith | Nah Han | Victor Burns |
Colton Thompson | Juli Gittinger | Nancy Beasley | Ward Risvold |
Corey Claxton | Julian Knox | Natalie Mau | Whitney Ginder |
Craig Callender | Kaitlyn Newman | Natalie Toomey | Whitney Heppner |
Crystal Johstono | Kalina Manoylov | Nicholas Creel | Whitney Palmer |
Cullen Wallace | Karen Schwartz | Nick Beadles | William Burke |
Damian Francis | Karl Manrodt | Noland White | William Fisher |
Daniel Scallet | Kasey Karen | Oksana Grabova | |
Darla Rich | Kathryn Hudson | Olha Osobov |
Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU Recipients - Fall 2022
The Center for Teaching and Learning is honored to present the list of faculty recipients of student recognition from the Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU Fall 2022 initiative! Here, you can view the complete list of recipients.
Faculty will receive an email with each student's letter(s) and their Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU certificate(s) for display.
Congratulations to our Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU Fall 2022 recipients! They are:
Aaron Castroverde | Daniel Holcombe | Katie Stumpf | Robert Sumowski |
Adam Lamparello | David Zoetewey | Kelley Ditzel | Robert Allen |
Alexandra Berglund | Debby Macmillan | Kelly Lee | Robert Blumenthal |
Amy Sumpter | Diane Gregg | Kendra Evans | Roberta Gorham |
Andrea Christoff | Doug Oetter | Kevin Spann | Roddran Grimes |
Angela Walker | Eddie Thomas | Kim Muschaweck | Ruben Yepes |
Angela Queen | Edgar Ulloa | Kwan Christenson | Ruby Holsenbeck |
Ania Rynarzewska | Eric Kobbe | Laura Newbern | Rui Kang |
Beate Czogalla | Ernie Kaninjing | Laurie Peebles | Sallie Coke |
Benjamin Clark | Gabrielle Banzon | Linda Bradley | Sandra Godwin |
Bethany Mcclure | Gregory Wascoe | Linda Rocha | Sandria Stephenson |
Betsy Short | Gregory Glotzbecker | Liz Speelman | Sidonia Serafini |
Brandon Samples | Gregory Wascoe | Lori Mcgalliard | Sina Amiri |
Brent Evans | Gretchen Ionta | Lyndall Muschell | Stephanie Leggett |
Brittney Hardin | Guy Biyogmam | Mariana Stoyanova | Stephanie Jett |
Brooke Rudow | Helen Dupree | Marshall Smith | Stephen Wills |
Carmen Woodhall | Herbert Snyder | Marya Ray | Stephen Auerbach |
Carrie Cook | Indiren Pillay | Matheson Sanchez | Stephen Merritt |
Charles Ubah | James Winchester | Meg Geddy | Susan Craig |
Cheryl Reynolds | Jane Hinson | Mikkel Christensen | Susan Manrodt |
Chika Unigwe | Jason Wynn | Miriam Jordan | Taylor Elsey |
Chris Lowery | Jebessa Mijena | Molly Wilkins | Timothy Connors |
Christopher Burt | Jeffrey Maclachlan | Nancy Beasley | Tom Moore |
Christopher Horacek | Jehan Eljourbagy | Natalie Toomey | Tony Alcarria |
Christopher Clark | Joanne Spalding | Nathan Bedsole | Tonya Richardson |
Chuck Fahrer | John Moore | Omolola Ologunorisa | Tracy Butts |
Claire Sanders | Joy Godin | Paige Rutner | Vonya Miller |
Colin Bishoff | Julian Knox | Paulette Cross | Ward Risvold |
Colton Thompson | Kaitlyn Newman | Peter Selgin | William Risch |
Corey Claxton | Kasey Karen | Rachel Kerger | Xiaomeng Lu |
Craig Callender | Kathryn Hudson | Rebecca Cooke | Yeprem Mehranian |
Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU Recipients - Spring 2022
The Center for Teaching and Learning is honored to present the list of faculty recipients of student recognition from the Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU Spring 2022 initiative! Here, you can view the complete list of recipients.
Faculty will receive an email with each student's letter(s) and their Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU certificate(s) for display.
Congratulations to our Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU Spring 2022 recipients! They are:
Adam Lamparello | Harold Leon Gillis Jr | Kelley Ditzel | Roddran D Grimes |
Alesa Ray Liles | Hedwig Fraunhofer | Kerry J Evans | Ruby A Holsenbeck |
Alexandre Ribeiro Scarcioffolo | Helen Menchinger DuPree | Kimberly Claire Sanders | Sallie Poole Coke |
Allison Miller | Indiren Pillay | Kristina Dandy Reinhard | Scott R Cox |
Amanda Jo Respess | James J Winchester | Kristina J Hirsch | Stephen M Rutner |
Amy Pinney | Jebessa B. Mijena | Krystal E Canady | Stephen W Wills |
Arash Bodaghee | Jeffrey H MacLachlan | Laura H Newbern | Steven B Fowler |
Ashley Evans Taylor | Jeffrey S Turner | Laura McKay | Talecia Y Warren |
Aurora Castillo‐Scott | Jennifer P. Flaherty | Mark Andrew Huddle | Tara D. Newar |
Brandon L Samples | Jennifer Tatum | Nahali R Croft | Tiffany M Parrish |
Brooke Rudow | Joanna Kimball Schwartz | Nancy Beasley | Tonya Perry Richardson |
Bryan Marshall | JoungHwa Woo | Natalie Eva Toomey | Walter L Isaac |
Christopher Clark | Juan A Alcarria | Natalie King | Ward Risvold |
Corey R Cummings | Justin A. Adeyemi | Nicholas A Beadles II | Whitney A Ginder |
Darla R Rich | Kalina M Manoylov | Nicholas Barry Creel II | Whitney Lane Heppner |
Diana Young | Karl B Manrodt | Omolola Akinola Ologunorisa | William Charles Burke |
Diane E Gregg | Karynne L Kleine | Paige S Rutner | Yeprem Mehranian |
Dionne H Lazenby | Kathryn Tapp | Robert J Duesing | |
Elizabeth Ann Speelman | Katie G Whipple | Roberta S. Gorham |
Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU Recipients - Fall 2021
The Center for Teaching and Learning is honored to present the listing of faculty recipients of student recognition from the Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU Fall 2021 initiative! Here, you can view the complete list of recipients and their perspective departments. Some faculty received multiple student recognitions. The numbers next to faculty names indicate how many student acknowledgments we received.
Faculty will receive an email with each student's personal letter(s) and their Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU certificate(s) for display.
Congratulations to our Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU Fall 2021 recipients! They are:
Accounting Advising Center Art Biological & Environmental Sciences Chemistry, Physics & Astronomy Communication Cultural Center Economics & Finance Education English Government & Sociology Health & Human Performance | History & Geography Information Systems & Computer Science Leadership Programs Liberal Arts Library Management, Marketing & Logistics Mathematics Nursing Philosophy, Religion & Liberal Studies World Languages & Cultures