About Us
Facilities Management is committed to maintaining state supported facilities in the most aesthetically pleasing and optimal operating condition as possible. Recognizing that our goal of creating and maintaining an environment which encourages and enhances the educational experience must never be compromised and will always be at the forefront of every decision we make. Taking the safety and well-being of all facility occupants seriously and strive to provide suitable and sustainable environments for all members of the campus community. Employing a diverse workforce and consider the varied viewpoints and opinions of our employees a valued resource. Caring for the assets entrusted to us in the most cost-effective manner possible. Offering access to the local, national and international community and share our body of knowledge as appropriate in the spirit of outreach and mutual benefit. We are committed to excellence in all aspects of facilities management. Our goal is to be proactive in identifying and resolving problems within your buildings and across the campus.
Maintenance Request
The Work Order Control Center for Facilities Management is the focal point for managing, processing and controlling requested maintenance/service work to be performed on facilities, installed equipment and other assets at Georgia College & State University and its satellite properties.
To submit maintenance/service requests, please click on the following link: Maintenance Request Form. Use the options below to best determine how we can resolve your issue.
New Users:
If you are new to Maintenance Direct, view our quick step guide.
Emergency Maintenance:
An emergency is unscheduled work that requires immediate action to restore services, remove problems that can interrupt critical activities or to protect life and property. In case of an emergency, such as a breakdown of an essential service (flooding, power outages, heating, lock, etc.)
If your maintenance request is an emergency
Monday through Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm, please call 478-445-4279
Monday through Friday, 5:00pm – 8:00am, and weekends, please call Public Safety at 478-445-4400
Non-Emergency Maintenance
All non-emergency requests for maintenance should be submitted via the Maintenance Request Form. Most problems will be assessed within 24 hours of you reporting it to the Facilities office. Routine reports made on Friday or during the weekend will be followed up on the next business day.
- Please note, if your toilet is overflowing, please turn off the water to minimize damage.
- Please inform your roommate(s) and/or suite-mate(s), of your submission to the Maintenance Request Line. This will eliminate duplicate calls for the same problem.
- Please report problems in a common area (i.e., kitchen, lounge or bathroom).
If you have any questions, please contact the Facilities Work Center by phone at 478-445-4279 or by e-mail at workorders@gcsu.edu.
Every effort will be made to process your request in a timely and professional manner. To accomplish this, we ask that you submit all maintenance/service requests to MAINTENANCE DIRECT. This will allow us to properly document and process your request as well as provide accurate and reliable updates.
The Facilities Management Department is comprised of the following units:
Facilities Planning
The Facilities Planning Department is a multi-disciplinary office capable of providing design, planning and construction services for all our campus communities.
Operations and Maintenance
The Operations and Maintenance Department works to extend the life of university buildings, protect and maintain university assets, assist with construction projects and promote environmental sustainability.
A diverse team comprised of craftsmen work to ensure a safe, comfortable and pleasant working and learning environment for our students staff and visitors.
Building Services
The Building Services (custodial) unit is a service of the Facilities Management Department. The assistant director of building services directs all cleaning operations on campus, which include but are not limited to: floor maintenance, window washing and trash removal. These services are provided for the teaching, research and education facilities, residence halls and administrative support areas.
The Building Services unit contains four sections:
Zone I: Daytime custodial service, which includes the daily cleaning of Parks Hall, Miller Court, the Centennial Center, Lake Laurel and restroom policing in the academic facilities.
Zone II: Residence Hall cleaning.
Zone III: Evening crew, which includes Atkinson, Porter, Herty Hall, Parks Memorial, Kilpatrick, Arts and Sciences, Lanier, Russell Auditorium, Chappell Hall, Maxwell Student Union, Student Activities Center, Ennis Hall, Terrell, Beeson and Ina Dillard Russell Library.
Zone IV: Floor care crew, which is a support service section; includes heavy stripping, carpet shampooing and special events.
Landscaping and Grounds
Landscape services are provided to all areas of the GCSU campus with the exception of some portions of the athletic facilities. Scheduled frequency of service is prioritized by usage and visibility of areas. Landscape services include grading, planting, transplanting, mulching, fertilizing, mowing, pruning and all street and parking lot cleaning and trash removal. Pesticide spraying is also performed campus wide. There are several avenues of services provided as follows:
Landscape maintenance services are performed as needed in accordance with landscape requirements: fertilizing, watering, pruning, weed and pest control of turn, trees, shrubs and flowers. Irrigation repairs, seeding, sodding and upkeep as funded to ensure we upkeep the aesthetics and life span of the campus green space. Landscape replacement as needed or funded. Recycling all natural materials and utilizing the materials back into the landscape. Focus is on keeping campus as sustainable as possible.
Grounds maintenance - The following services are performed as needed for the cleanliness and neatness of campus: mowing turf, blowing debris on sidewalks, leaf limbs and assorted debris removal, trimming shrubs/trees out of sidewalks, litter control, sidewalk trash receptacle debris, maintenance of benches, tables, bicycle racks, post and chain repairs, removal of graffiti removal of improper posting, cleaning of storm drains and repairs or corrections to any noted soil erosion. Repairs of vandalism and graffiti.
Landscape architecture design services are provided primarily on a recharge basis and may be designed internally or contracted out.
Landscape construction services are primarily recharge activities and are performed as funded, requested or as needed: renovation planting, replacing of trees and shrubs, sodding, seeding and renovation of turf as required due to construction changes, sidewalk changes or from staging areas of construction.
To initiate a landscape construction project, the department should submit a service request through Maintenance Direct.
Outdoor events services - currently at no charge grounds department will supply extra trash cans, temporary post and rope, and services to have sites prepared beforehand and cleaned up after events. This service is in conjunction with Facilities Scheduler at 25Live. Any special needs must be coordinated through grounds department by submitting a request through Maintenance Direct or upon contacting the grounds assistant director to see if your needs are feasible.
Interior greenery plants - plant material may be placed by the campus grounds department in limited focal points on campus such as MSU lobby, library lobby, Chappell Hall entrance and building with the areas of high light exposure that will support plant green life. Occasionally ferns are installed on specific porches during the warm season that serve a dual purpose holding them for event greeneries and to add aesthetics to the entrances. This is done on a case by case situation and the funding allowed. When installed, the plants will get some grounds services augmented by the building support services for maintenance. If the plant dies it will be removed with no guarantee of replacement.
Outdoor floral program - Aesthetic and colorful annual/perennial flower beds exist sporadically across campus and are replaced twice per year during the cool season and warm season for that extra color.
Special requests for grounds department - There are some avenues for special requests for greeneries at podiums, flowers for banquets and these are handled on a case by case basis usually at a recharge basis depending on the request of need.
Snow removal - Campus facilities personnel are responsible for the removal of snow and ice from campus walks, driveways, handicapped ramps and steps to office and classroom buildings.
Georgia College & State University is committed to being sustainable and protecting the environment now and for future generations which it strives to achieve through education, outreach, communication, behavior change, culture change and good environmental stewardship.
No longer can Georgia College, its faculty, staff and students, ignore the current practices impacting the environment and consuming natural resources that affect the university economically, environmentally and socially.
The campus community is responsible to take action through research, planning and development to establish and implement programs, goals and objectives with clearly defined processes for measuring, monitoring and managing those actions to effectively manage resources and create a more sustainable environment for current and future generations.
Environmental Health and Safety & Fire Safety
EHS and Fire Safety is responsible to all Environmental, Health, and Safety regulations and standards for the campus community.