Guidelines of Operation


Section 1. The name of this organization shall be The Georgia College & State University Council of Student Ambassadors.


Section 1. The purpose of CSA is the positive promotion of Georgia College and its public liberal arts mission. The Ambassadors serve as a vital link between the University’s student body,prospective students and their families, staff, alumni, and friends.


Section 1. To serve as liaisons between the University, the students, the alumni, the surrounding community of Milledgeville, and the state of Georgia.

Section 2. To promote awareness of the academics, activities, and student life at Georgia College to prospective students and other audiences.

Section 3. To facilitate an active relationship between students and alumni.

Section 4. To enhance present student involvement in the University.

Section 5. To establish identity and promote the Ambassador Team.


Section 1. All full-time undergraduate students, currently enrolled and planning to graduate from Georgia College are eligible to apply.

Section 2. CSA shall not discriminate against persons on the basis of race, color, sex, nationality, religion, political views, or handicap.

Section 3. There are four types of membership:

  1. Active- members who fulfill the requirements of membership;
  2. Inactive- members who engage in field studies, off-campus studies or other absences deemed legitimate by the Leadership Board;
  3. Emeritus- members who wish to be inactive and have been active and in good standing for six semesters, or have been a Leadership Board member.
  4. Alumni- members who have completed a Georgia College degree and graduate in good standing as an ambassador.

Section 4. Any eligible member who feels they may not meet membership requirements for a current year may request inactive status no later than one week after the start of the semester.

Section 5. Each member will have his or her participation and membership requirements evaluated by the Leadership Board each semester and recommendations for continued membership, awards, etc. will be presented to the advisors.

Section 6. The Team size shall be restricted to a limited number of active members. That number shall be identified and implemented by the team’s advisors and executives.

Structure and Advisor

Section 1. The Georgia College & State University Council of Student Ambassadors is an institutional student organization under the direction of the Office of Enrollment Management with copies of the constitution and bylaws on file at the Office of Enrollment Management.

Section 2. The Council of Student Ambassadors operates under the direction of the division of Enrollment Management with the appropriate advisors appointed by the Assistant Vice President of that office or the individual in an equivalent office in the event of structural reorganization. The presiding administrator within the Office of Enrollment Management will serve as the primary advisor and, in collaboration with the Leadership Board, shall appoint any additional advisors deemed necessary.

Section 3. The advisor’s role is:

  1. to provide advice and leadership to the Council of Student Ambassadors;
  2. to help Ambassadors solve problems when asked;
  3. to encourage the Council of Student Ambassadors;
  4. to serve as a liaison between alumni, administration, faculty, staff, and students;
  5. and to administer the budget and oversee financial expenditures.

Section 1. All officers need to be devoted to the mission and the success of the Georgia College & State University Council of Student Ambassadors and Georgia College & State University.

Section 2. The officers consist of the Chairman, Director of Membership, Director of Communication, Coordinator of Team Standards, Coordinator of Tour Guide Relations, and Coordinator of Diversity Initiatives.

Section 3. Duties of the Chairman include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Making every effort to deliver decisions on all matters;
  2. Presiding and set agendas for all meetings, general and executive;
  3. Forming committees and appointing chairs;
  4. Acting as a liaison between team, student body, alumni, and administration,and serves as a representative to outside organizations;
  5. Coordinating activities with the advisor;
  6. Conducting membership interviews.
  7. Voting in general meetings;
  8. Serving as member of the Membership Interview Board during new ambassador selection process.
  9. The Chairman has every right to assign a specific duty(s) to another officer or Student Ambassador if deemed necessary.

Section 4. Duties of the Director of Membership include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Serving as the administrator of committee chairs and being the primary liaison between the Leadership Board and the committees;
  2. Serving as Chair of the Membership Committee;
  3. Conducting membership interviews;
  4. Leading strategies for team development, including, but not limited to: the creating, planning, and implementing of social events, new member training, new member induction, and end of the year banquet;
  5. Delegating recording tasks of an event to another Ambassador, should he/she not be in attendance at an event;
  6. Performing duties, which may be delegated by the Leadership Board;
  7. Acting in the stead of the Chairman, in his/her absence;
  8. The Director of Membership has every right to assign a specific duty(s) to another officer or member of the Student Ambassador Team, excluding the Chairman and the Director of Communication, if he/she deems necessary.

Section 5. Duties of the Director of Communication include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Being efficient, prompt, and able to keep accurate records;
  2. Recording all minutes at meetings, general and executive;
  3. Maintaining all team electronic communication and outlets, including, but not limited to: website, e-mail, online forums, and phone communications.
  4. Ensuring the dissemination of general meeting minutes.
  5. Coordinating the membership directory and contacts when needed;
  6. Conducting membership interviews.
  7. Performing duties, which may be delegated by the Leadership Board or the advisor;
  8. The Director of Communication has every right to assign a specific duty(s) to another officer or member of the Student Ambassador Team, excluding the Chairman and the Director of Membership, if he/she deems necessary.

Section 6. Duties of the Coordinator of Team Standards include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Keeping records of meetings and event attendance on file for the Leadership Board and the advisors;
  2. Taking roll at each meeting;
  3. Informing members of current point totals at each meeting;
  4. Updating current point totals on the official Ambassador Team website;
  5. Relaying records of membership to the Director of Communication;
  6. Conducting membership interviews.
  7. Performing duties, which may be delegated by the Leadership Board or the advisor;
  8. Acting in the capacity of Director of Communication in their absence.
  9. The Coordinator of Team Standards has every right to assign a specific duty(s) to another Student Ambassador if he/she deems necessary.

Section 7. Duties of the Coordinator of Tour Guide Relations include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Acting as the liaison between the tour guides and the Admissions counselor staff;
  2. Conducting tour guide training for new tour guides and refresher courses for current guides;
  3. Maintaining a database of tour guide information and schedule availability;
  4. Creating, in conjunction with the Admissions counselor overseeing tours, a schedule of available tour guides for weekly and special tours;
  5. Conducting membership interviews.
  6. Performing duties delegated by the Leadership Board or advisor.
  7. Serving in the place of Director of Membership in his/her absence.
  8. The Coordinator of Tour Guide Relations has every right to assign a specific duty(s) to another Student Ambassador if he/she deems necessary.

Section 8. Duties of the Coordinator of Diversity initiatives include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Working as a liaison between minority recruitment counselors and the Ambassador Team;
  2. Encouraging and supporting involvement and participation at minority recruitment events;
  3. Conducting membership interviews.
  4. Performing duties delegated by the Leadership Board or advisor.
  5. The Coordinator of Diversity Initiatives has every right to assign a specific duty(s) to another Student Ambassador if he/she deems necessary.

Section 9. The Leadership Board:

  1. Is composed of the Chairman, Director of Membership, Director of Communication, Coordinator of Team Standards, Coordinator of Tour Guide Relations, and Coordinator of Diversity Initiatives.
  2. Advisors may attend Leadership Meetings;
  3. Will meet at least once a month, at various times based on need, besides the general meeting;
  4. Steers and coordinates the Ambassador Team;
  5. Considers recommendations by other committees and votes to finalize;
  6. May call emergency meetings;
  7.  Reserves the right to sanction any truant member with membership recall who misses two meetings, general and executive, a semester without an accepted excuse.
  8. Serves in the capacity of the Membership Interview Board by:
    1. Scheduling appointments of interviewees and arranging time and place for interviews;
    2. Holding special meetings to discuss the applicant pool and the individual applicants’ qualities, characteristics, and potential for success on the Ambassador Team.
Membership and Ad-Hoc Committees

Section 1. The Membership Committee:

  1. Is composed of five members, chosen by the Chairman, Director of Membership, and advisors at the beginning of each fall semester;
  2. Reviews and scores all applications for membership;
  3. Sends at least one representative to each prospective member interview session, and will be consulted in the decision-making process.
  4. Helps to keep accurate records of events and activities (pictures, summary,scrapbook, etc.);
  5. Assists the Director of Membership with team events and activities.

Section 2. The Ad-Hoc Committee:

  1. Is composed of a number of members determined by the Chairman;
  2. Performs the task assigned to it upon the committee’s creation.
  3. Upon completion of the assigned task, the Chairman reserves the right to dissolve the committee.

Section 1. General meetings are mandatory meetings for all Ambassadors during the academic school year, except the first week of Fall Semester and final exams week. Meeting days and times will be determined each semester by the Leadership Board. Every effort will be made to keep the meeting days and times the same.

Section 2. Special meetings may be called by any member of the Leadership Board or by petition of 20% of the members with the purpose of the meeting stated. Notification of special meetings must be at least 48 hours prior to a special meeting.

Section 3. Voting will take place during meetings. Each member will have one vote to all matters presented to the team. The Chairman will vote only in the event of a tie.

Appointments and Terms of Fulfillment

Section 1. The advisors in conjunction with the current Chairman appoint the future Chairman. Afterwards, the advisors, with the newly appointed Chairman, select the remaining officer positions.

Section 2. Officers will hold office for one year. For any officer wishing to serve another term, they must be re-appointed.

Section 3. New officers will meet with old officers to exchange information and upcoming events.

Section 4. New officers will be appointed by the end of the spring semester and officially assume their positions May 1st of every year.


Section 1. If a vacancy occurs in an executive office, the position will be filled by the Advisor and Leadership Board appointment, taking office at the next general meeting.The officer will fill the position for the remainder of the term of office.

Removal of Officers

Section 1. Any active Ambassador bringing charges against an officer for the purpose of removal shall personally present their charges in writing to the advisor. After the presentation, the accused shall have the opportunity to defend him/herself.

Section 2. Upon the completion of the defense, the Leadership Board shall determine if charges warrant investigation. If an investigation is necessary, a joint committee, consisting of the Membership Committee and the Leadership Board, will conduct the investigation.

Section 3. Upon hearing the report and recommendation of the Leadership Board the team may remove the Officer by 2/3-majority vote by an Australian ballot.