asc Congratulations to K and S
GAS Winner ASC Members
GAS Participiants from ASC (1)
asc hilton
asc clean
ASC Summer Fellows
ASC Flyer
water edu day
mutitis and research

Water week!!

Please join us and GCSU's Academic Outreach in a week full of water! We are so exciting to be partnering with AO and sharing our passion for water and aquatics. We have multiple events planned for the week so please sign up below!

Clean up
Movie Night
Research Symposium
Water Education Day



Water education day

After a successful water education day last year, we will again be partnering with GCSU's Academic Outreach for another day of water! Join us Saturday, October 19th, from 12-3PM in front of the Kenneth S. Saladin Integrated Science Complex where there will be multiple student tables demonstrating various water activities. This event is open to the University and people of the Milledgeville community and hope that you will join us! Please RSVP using the QR code or here



Research symposium

The Aquatic Sciences Center is hosting another symposium! The symposium will be in collaboration with GCSU's Academic Outreach, Phi Kappa Phi and GCSU Sustainability Council and take place outside of the Kenneth S. Saladin Integrated Science Complex from 3 to 5 PM on Friday, October 18th. We will be in the atrium of the complex as well as outside, weather permitting. Please RSVP here or with the QR code!




Water Week movie

Movie night - asc

Join us for our first Aquatic Sciences Center movie night! We will meet and watch a fun and exciting movie related to water. The movie will be picked out closer to the event and location will be decided and posted later as well. We look forward to hanging out with you! Please RSVP using the QR code or the link here.





Tanyard branch creek cleanup

branch creek

It is time for our semi-annual Tanyard Branch Creek Cleanup! Join us as we start off Water Education Week October 16th from 3-5PM. We will meet at Herty Hall just before 3PM and walk down to Tanyard Branch Creek by College Station Apartments. Please wear clothes that you do not mind getting wet or muddy. We look forward to seeing you all there! Sign up here!





Congratulations to our latest summer fellow!

Congratulations to Abigail Dugger from Dr. Kristine White's lab for completing the Aquatic Sciences Center Summer Fellowship. Her research focus is on amphipods. 





First Annual Aquatic Sciences Center Symposium

Please join us tomorrow, April 26th, from 3-5PM at the Kenneth S. Saladin Integrated Science Complex for the first annual GCSU Aquatic Sciences Center Symposium. This symposium will feature both poster presentations and oral presentations. The oral presentations will start at 3:30, 3:40 and 3:50 pm in room 102. The posters will be ongoing in the atrium from 3-5 pm. Outside we will feature various activities from students along with Academic Outreach. 




Another Successful Cleanup

Thank you to all who came out last Friday, March 29th, to help us clean Tanyard Creek. It was another successful cleanup and we cannot believe just how much trash was pulled from the creek in those two hours. Our last cleanup was December 1st; however, we were able to pick up hundreds of pounds of debris from the river. Some items included a bike, multiple tires of various sizes, as well as a grocery cart. We can't wait for the next cleanup and hope you will join us again!



Congratulations to our ASC Members!

Congratulations to Anna Agi and Sally Sir, both members of the Aquatic Sciences Club! Both students were presented awards at the Graduate School's 6th Annual Spring Reception. Anna Agi won an Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award and a Graduate Research Travel Grant. Sally Sir won a Graduate Research Travel Grant as well. Congratulations again to these two!



GCSU Research Day 2024

Several of our members participated in this year's GCSU Research Day. Anna Agi, Tori Morgan, Wiley Bundy, Shannon Northen, Sally Sir, Lauren Ballenger, Marisa Lopata, Jaiden Stidston, Heath Rhodes, Ray Allen, Sarah Edwards, and Ashley Clark presented in the poster sessions. Erik Wolstenholme gave an oral presentation. Ashley Clark also presented in the "3-in-3" competition and placed 2nd place. 

Aquatic sCIENCES aCADEMY 2024

Join us for the first EVER GCSU Aquatic Sciences Center Aquatic Sciences Academy! The Aquatic Sciences Center is partnering with GCSU's Academic Outreach to bring you the most fun this summer. This summer academy is open to students anywhere, entering 9th-12th as well as college students. This academy will feature Adopt-A-Stream Certification, your very own mini research project and presentation, as well as local nature trips. We hope that you will join us for this week long camp and as we get closer, more information will be shared here and on our social media accounts! Registration Link


Spring Cleaning at Tanyard CReek


Please join us for the second cleanup of Tanyard Creek this Friday, March 29th from 3-5PM! The event is open to students and staff of the university as well as anyone in our local community. We will all meet in front of Herty Hall (221 N Wilkinson St) at 3 PM and walk to Tanyard Creek. We encourage you to wear closed-toed shoes and clothes that you do not mind getting wet or muddy. We can't wait to see you all out there and we appreciate the continued support in cleaning this creek! Link to sign up: Tanyard Creek Cleanup March 29th



Congratulations To Katie Johnson and Sydney Brown!

asc Congratulations to K and S

Katie Johnson and Sydney Brown, both graduates of Dr. Kalina Manoylov's Phycology Lab at GCSU, recently published their research in the Journal of Phycology, a high impact journal. This was part of Johnson's master's research and Brown's undergraduate research. Both are currently in Ph.D. programs continuing research with algae. Their paper, "The chloroplast and mitoschodrial genomes of two Gomphonema parvulum (Bacillariophyta) environmental isolates from South Carolina (United States) and Virginia (United States)," can be found here

Congratulations to Georgia Academy Of Science Winners!

GAS Winner ASC Members

These three Aquatic Sciences Club members won awards for their posters and presentations at the Georgia Academy of Science March 1st and 2nd 2024. Both graduate students, Sally Sir (Biology), mentored by Dr. Kristine White, and Tori Morgan (Earth Sciences), mentored by both Dr. Sam and Christine Mutiti, won Best Graduate Presentations in their category. Shannon Northen won Best Undergraduate Poster (Earth Sciences), mentored by Dr. Sam Mutiti, in her category. Abstracts will be linked here once published.

Aquatic Sciences Club Members at Georgia Academy of ScienceS

GAS Participiants from ASC (1)

Congratulations to these eight Aquatic Sciences Club members for having a successful weekend presenting at the Georgia Academy of Sciences (GAS) at Kennesaw State University on March 1st and 2nd 2024. The following students participated in the Earth Sciences category: Erik Wolstenholme is an undergraduate student mentored by Dr. Allison VandeVoort, Marisa Lopata, Jaiden Stidston, Lauren Ballenger are undergraduates mentored by both Dr. Sam and Christine Mutiti, Shannon Northen and Wiley Bundy are both undergraduates mentored by Dr. Sam Mutiti and Tori Morgan is a graduate Student mentored by both Dr. Sam and Christine Mutiti. The following student participated in the Biology category: Sally Sir is a graduate student mentored by Dr. Kristine White. A huge thank you to their mentors, Dr. Sam Mutiti, Dr. Christine Mutiti, Dr. Allison VandeVoort, and Dr. Kristine White for helping them prepare. Abstracts will be linked here once published.

Congratulations to Dr. Dave Bachoon


Dr. Dave Bachoon recently published in the high impact journal Science of the Total Environment with his paper "Mitochondrial DNA marker: A PCR approach for tracking rat (Rattus rattus and Rattus norvegicus) fecal pollution in surface water systems." 

Dr. Bachoon's 2024 Paper



New aquatic Sciences Club

The Aquatic Science's Center recently started a new club on campus focused on educating those about the waters in and around Middle Georgia as well as globally. The Aquatic Sciences Club encourages all of those interested in water and aquatic sciences to join in order to help make a broader impact in Milledgeville and more. The first meeting will be held February 28th at 5 PM in Herty Hall, 210.




Annsli Hilton '22, Marine scientist

asc hilton

GCSU graduate applies her passion in Marine Biology and Oceanography to her career as she works as a research associate with University of Miami's Cooperative Institute of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences. 

Learn More






Clean up Success!

asc clean
asc clean
asc clean

On Friday, December 1st, students of Georgia College helped to clean up Tanyard Creek by the College Station Apartments. We were able to clean up a lot of the glass within the creek, as well as other trash and miscellaneous debris. This cleanup gives promise to several solutions and opportunities for the Aquatic Sciences Center to continue to monitor and clean this creek. 

Congratulations to Dr. Dave Bachoon


Congratulations to ASC Faculty Member, Dr. Dave Bachoon for being awarded another grant. The grant is for his project on "Implementation of a Water Quality Restoration Strategy at the San Juan Bay Estuary watershed and the Río Grande de Loíza (below dam) Estuary Contributing Zone."




Congratulations to ASC Summer fellows

ASC Summer Fellows

Congratulations to both Sally Sir (Dr. White's Lab) and Karagan Royer (Dr. Barkovskii's Lab) for being awarded funding through our summer fellows program in order to help fund their research. Sally Sir's fellowship was the summer of 2022 and Karagan Royer's was the summer of 2023. 

Sally's Paper and Sally's Images



Tanyard Creek Cleanup

ASC Flyer

Join us from 3-5PM on Friday, December 1st for the Aquatic Sciences Center Tanyard Creek Cleanup. This is our rescheduling of the first cleanup that we had to cancel due to weather. We will walk to the area of the creek close to College Station apartments and divide into groups in order to clean different sections. This is a student and community-wide event so we hope that you will all join us in order to help keep our local Milledgeville community clean. We appreciate all of the help and look forward to seeing you out there! Sign up link:


Water Education Day

Water day

We had a great time at Water Education Day on Saturday and enjoyed getting to share our passion of water and water quality with the lovely Milledgeville community! Dr. Sam Mutiti's Hydrology class and GCSU's Academic Outreach demonstrated various projects involving water and its properties.

GCSU Students took a trip to Sapelo ISland

measuring in field
mutitis and research

Dr. Christine and Dr. Sam Mutiti took students Lauren Ballenger, Jaiden Stidston, and Marissa Lopata, on a trip to Sapelo Island to conduct research on saltwater intrusion.



Congratulations to ASC faculty

congratulations asc faculty

Congratulations to the following Aquatic Sciences Center Faculty:
Dr. Indiren Pillay for being awarded a Biological and Environmental Sciences grant for Effects of Soil Chemistry on the Distribution and Genomic Diversity of Actinobateriophages in Central Georgia. Dr. Kalina Manoylov for being awarded the Region 5 Roar Diatoms Project grant from the EPA TetraTech. Dr. Dave Bachoon for being awarded the 2023 Source ID and Sampling Support grant from the Gwinnett County Department of Water Resources.


Anna Agi took the skills she learned in her undergraduate biology degree and put them to the test during her internship with SePRO this summer

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Dr. David Weese and students recently conducted a research trip where they brought back marine organisms for the new 300 gallon tank in the ASC

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Herty Hall is home to the new Aquatic Sciences Center that will provide undergraduate and graduate students with more hands-on learning of various methods and techniques in the field of freshwater and marine sciences

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"Dr. Kristine White and junior environmental science student Sally Sir identified the new species while studying White’s collection of roughly 7,000 amphipods"

Learn More



UGA Students Interview the GCSU Aquatic Sciences Center on Most Recent Cleanup