Parking On Campus
Parking Maps
Temporary/Guest Parking
All guests, whether visiting campus for personal, educational, or professional reasons, are required to have their vehicle registered at Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Guests parking in a university lot during regular enforcement hours without a temporary permit are subject to being ticketed. Signed or marked special use parking spaces, ADA accessible parking spaces, shuttle zones, no parking areas, and fire lanes are subject to enforcement at all times.
Groups of guests attending meetings, conference, camps, or events must park only in the lots or lot sections for which they have been approved. Golf carts and turtle vans can be rented and special event shuttles can be chartered from Parking and Transportation Services by the hosting department for guest transportation from lots to event sites. Any Department that wishes to request more than 10 guest parking spaces, please email
All guests are welcome to use the regular GCSU campus shuttle.
GCSU Parking Map
AMP Hourly Parking
Select parking spaces in the Bell Hall and Sanford Hall parking lots have been converted into AMP (Aims Mobile Pay) hourly parking. Download the AMP Parking app on the Apple Store or Google Play to park in these spaces.
Rules and Rates are listed below:
Make sure your vehicle is registered every time you park in an AMP Hourly Parking space.
- The first 30 minutes are free to park for all campus community members.
- Each hour costs $2.00, with a maximum of 4 hours in one day.
- Download the AMP app, register your vehicle, and get a permit each time you park in the AMP Hourly Parking space as soon as you park.
- There will be signs and QR codes you may scan in front of each space.
- Visitor parking passes can be obtained at or from the Parking & Transportation Office, located at 330 West Thomas Street, Milledgeville, GA. 31061.
Order a Front License Plate
Students, staff, faculty, and alumni have the option of purchasing a front mounted license plate, that will allow them to back into parking spaces and be compliant with the license plate recognition software.
The plate fee is $30.00 per vehicle and will be ready for pickup in 10 business days at Parking and Transportation Office, which is located at 330 West Thomas St.
Mounting of the plate is the responsibility of the vehicle owner.
License Plate Option A

License Plate Option B

License Plate Option C

License Plate Option D

Ticket Payments
Tickets may be paid online, in person, or by phone.
To pay your ticket online:
- Have your license plate number and ticket number on hand.
- Go to
- Click on the “Login” button at the top, right corner of the page. This will redirect you to login to the Georgia College Authenitcation system, but will return you to your parking account once you login.
- Click on the “Pay Ticket” icon and follow the onscreen instructions.
To pay your ticket in person with check or credit card, visit the Business Office at 111 Parks Hall during regular office hours.
To pay your ticket by phone with a card, call the Business Office at 478-445-5254.
Ticket Payment Notes
- Tickets that are not paid within 14 days of issuance will begin to accrue late fees at a rate of $5 per week until the original ticket amount doubles or $50 in late fees is reached.
- When a ticket is issued to a student, a hold is placed on the student’s account until the ticket is paid in full.
- Employees will not be able to purchase a permit if they have unpaid tickets on their parking account.
- Guests will need their ticket number in order to pay a ticket online.
Ticket Appeals
An online appeal process is in place for individuals who believe there were pressing and justifiable circumstances that led them to park illegally or the ticket was given in error. An appeal must be submitted within 14 days of citation issuance to be considered.
To appeal a ticket:
- Have your license plate number and ticket number on hand.
- Go to
- Click on the “Login” button at the top, right corner of the page. This will redirect you to login to the Georgia College Authentication system, but will return you to your parking account once you login.
- Click on the “Appeal Ticket” icon and follow the onscreen instructions.
The following reasons qualify as grounds for an appeal:
- Appellant did not commit the cited parking violation.
- Appellant was misinformed by Parking and Transportation Services staff.
- The violation charged occurred under circumstances where the appellant had no indication he or she was committing a violation (no signage, related policy, existing restrictions, etc.) and where a reasonable and prudent person under the same or similar circumstances would have acted in the same manner as the appellant.
The following reasons do not qualify as grounds for an appeal:
- Lack of knowledge of the regulations.
- Tardiness due to class or appointment.
- The lot in which the violation occurred was not full.
- Disagreement with amount of fine.
- The appellant parked in the same location/way before but did not receive a ticket.
- Violation was of short duration.
- Other vehicles were parked improperly.
- The appellant's designated lots were full.
- Inability to pay the fine.
- Appellant was misinformed by someone other than Parking and Transportation Services staff.
Ticket Appeal Notes
- Boot and tow fines or fees will not be considered for appeal. Any errors in boot or tow violations must be appealed through the senior manager of P&T.
- Appellants should be prepared to submit substantial and valid evidence/documentation along with their appeal. Receipts, pictures, emails, and/or other documentation may be necessary to prove a citation was errantly issued or to support the stated reason for an appeal.
- An appeal submitted by guests may be reviewed by P&T personnel and may take into consideration ticket history.
- An appeal will put a freeze on all late fees until a decision is made, but an account hold will remain for students until the ticket is paid in full.
- If an appealed ticket is paid and the appeal is denied, all debts are satisfied. If an appealed ticket is paid and the appeal is approved, a full refund for the fine amount will be rendered to the individual.
- Individuals are notified by email of the result of their appeal. Individuals with access to My GCSU may view decisions via their parking account.
Parking Appeals Committee
A Parking Appeals Committee meets regularly to review qualifying appeals. An appellant may generally expect the committee to review their appeal within 30 days of submitting the appeal. The committee is comprised of five university employees and students - one student member of the Student Government Association, one student member of the Resident Student Association, one faculty member of University Senate, one staff member of Staff Council, and one at-large staff member appointed by P&T. Meetings are facilitated by P&T personnel, but this individual does not vote on appeals.
The committee’s decision on appeals normally constitutes the final decision on the matter. However, individuals who consider their appeal was not conducted fairly or have evidence that undue bias may have been a factor in the decision can request their case be submitted to the VP for Finance and Administration (VPFA) for review. Prior to submitting an appeal to VPFA, the outstanding fine must be paid. If the appeal is denied, all debts are satisfied. If the appeal is approved, a full refund for the fine amount will be rendered to the individual.
Parking Enforcement
Parking citations, immobilization (booting), and impoundment (towing) are utilized as means to support the university parking plan and encourage students, employees, and guests to park where they are permitted. A list of parking violations and fine amounts can be found at and more information on enforcement, immobilization, and impoundment practices can be found in the university’s parking policies.
Regular parking enforcement hours are Mon-Fri, 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.; however, reserved spaces, accessible spaces, fire zones, and no parking areas are subject to enforcement at all times.
Parking and Transportation Services typically uses Old Capitol Wrecker Service (478-453-0032) or Pittman’s Automotive and Towing (478-452-1812) for tows.
5 Tips to Avoid Getting a Ticket
Tickets are expensive. But good news – they’re avoidable. Here's how...
1. Register for your permit each year – if you are a student, you’ve already paid for it through your student fees.
2. Park only in lots you are permitted to during enforcement hours – signs are at the entrance of each lot.
3. Don’t park where you shouldn't – shuttle stops, fire lanes, grassy areas, curbs, reserved spaces, etc.
4. Park only in timed spaces for as long as you are allowed.
5. Do not back into a parking space unless you have purchased a front license plate from P&T Services.
If you have any questions please call our office at 478-445-7433.
Parking Permit Types, Costs, and Lot Designations
Any student or employee parking a vehicle on campus is required to register for a valid university parking permit and to know and follow all university parking regulations.
University parking permits and lots are classified by the group designations listed below. Signs indicating which group(s) may park in a lot during enforcement hours are located at the entrances to each lot.
- Employee permits are available to full-time, part-time, and non-student employees. Note: Full-Time University employees are eligible to purchase an employee permit that automatically renews at the beginning of each academic year and remains active until canceled. Affiliate employees are eligible to purchase an employee permit and are required to renew it annually.
- Individuals with employee permits may park in designated lots and spaces, which are shaded red on the interactive GCSU parking maps.
- Employees will not be able to purchase a permit if they have unpaid tickets on their parking account.
- Student workers are not permitted to use employee parking lots.
- Perimeter permits are available to full-time and part-time, university and affiliate employees, Georgia College Early College students, students in online-only graduate programs, and some high school students dual-enrolled in GCSU classes.
- Perimeter permits are typically good for an academic year and expire at the end of the designated permitting period.
- Individuals with a perimeter permit or a valid GCSU permit of any type, may park in a perimeter lot. Spaces are shaded black on the interactive interactive GCSU parking maps.
- Perimeter permits are free to employees and qualifying students. No additional costs are required.
- Employees and students will not be able to acquire a perimeter permit if they have an outstanding balance on their parking account.
- Resident permits are available to students living in on-campus housing.
- Resident permits are typically good for an academic year and expire at the end of the designated permitting period.
- Individuals with resident permits may park in resident and perimeter designated lots and spaces.
- Resident permits are green, and resident lots and spaces are shaded green on the interactive GCSU parking maps.
- Students pay for these permits through their $75/semester parking and transportation fee. No additional costs are required.
- Students will not be able to register for a resident permit if they have an outstanding balance on their parking account.
- Commuter permits are available to students not living in on-campus housing.
- Commuter permits are typically valid for an academic year and expire at the end of the designated permitting period.
- Individuals with commuter permits may park in commuter and perimeter designated lots and spaces, which are shaded blue on the interactive interactive GCSU parking maps.
- Students pay for these permits through their parking and transportation fee. No additional costs are required.
- Students will not be able to register for a commuter permit if they have an outstanding balance on their parking account.
Vehicle Registration Instructions
To register for your vehicle online:
- Have your license plate number and vehicle info (make, model, year, and color) on hand. Note that the letter O is not an official license plate tag character in Georgia. Please use the number 0 in its place.
- Go to
- Click on the “Login” button at the top, right corner of the page. This will redirect you to login with your Unify credentials, but will return you to your parking account once you login.
- Click on the “Order Permit” icon and follow the onscreen instructions.
Online registration notes:
- Students, you pay for your permit through your parking and transportation student fee, so you will not need to pay for it when you register for your permit.
- Employees, if you elect to pay for an extended employee permit through payroll deduction, you will not need to pay anything online, and Parking and Transportation Services will communicate your deduction to Payroll Services.
- When you register your vehicle, your vehicle will become active instantly.
- Students or employees may register multiple vehicles on your account, as long as both vehicles are not on campus at the same time.
If you are an affiliate employee (Sodexo, Barnes & Noble, GCEC, etc.) and are unable to register your vehicle online, please contact P&T at for instructions.
Remember, if you plan to park a personal vehicle on campus, you are required to register your vehicle and follow all university parking regulations. You can learn more about university parking policies, permit types, lot locations and designations, etc., on this webpage.
Call 478-445-7433 or email with questions.
Accessible Parking
The locations of all accessible parking spaces on campus can be found on the Interactive GCSU Parking Map and are designated with the International Symbol of Accessibility (ISA).
Accessible parking spaces are subject to enforcement at all times.
Vehicles parked in an accessible space must have a registered vehicle with a valid university parking permit and a valid state-issued disability placard or license plate that is registered to the holder of the university parking permit. Disability placards should be displayed at all times while parked with a visible expiration date. Vehicles not displaying a disability placard are subject to being ticketed and/or towed.
If all accessible parking spaces in a lot are taken, properly documented individuals with disabilities may park in any standard space in a lot of any type. However, individuals should not park in other reserved parking areas, fire lanes, no parking areas, accessible space access aisles, etc.
Referent to section 40-6-226 of the Official Code of Georgia, it is unlawful to obtain, alter, or utilize a state-issued disability permit for fraudulent means. Violators are subject to ticketing, towing, and/or disciplinary action, and may be referred to the appropriate state authorities.
Parking and Transportation Advisory Committee (PTAC)
PTAC advises the Vice President for Finance and Administration (VPFA) on all things related to parking and transportation. This group makes recommendations based on thorough discussions, and each member votes on each matter of recommendation to be forwarded to the VPFA. Given their advisory role, the votes are not binding for any decisions, but rather are intended to provide additional background to the VPFA regarding the constituencies’ and individuals’ standing on each matter being considered.
The committee will be made up of eight members: two faculty members from University Senate; two staff members from Staff Council; two resident student members from Resident Student Association (RSA); and two commuter student members from Student Government Association (SGA).
The committee meets approximately three times during fall semester and three times during spring semester. Please feel free to communicate any parking challenge you are experiencing to Parking and Transportation Services at or to a member of PTAC.
Parking Policies
Detailed parking policies are available in the university catalog.
How Are We Doing?
We value your feedback. Please share your experiences, suggestions, and ideas with us. You can email us at