Vending services at Georgia College are provided by the office of Auxiliary Services and include snack and beverage machines, copy machines and laundry machines.
Did you know you can view a map of snack and beverage machines on campus?
Copy Machines
Copy machines (both standard photocopy as well as microfiche copy) are available at the library. They accept the Bobcat Card for payment.
Laundry Machines
Laundry machines are available throughout all residence halls. They accept the Bobcat Card for payment.
Snack and Beverage Machines
Snack and beverage vending machines are located throughout the campus. All machines accept cash, Bobcat Card, and debit and credit cards for payment.
Experiencing Problems?
If a vending machine isn't working properly, we want to know about it. Vending refunds are available, and we want to fix all problems as quickly as possible. Let us know and we'll get right on it!
Laundry Problems
Submit a work request or email fixit@gcsu.edu
Printer or Copier Problems
Contact the circulation desk at the Ina Dillard Russell Library
Vending Problems
Email fixit@gcsu.edu with the machine number and description of the problem.