GC received $2,041,014 in funding from Federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Funding (HEERF I), also known as the CARES Act, to assist students who were affected financially due to hardship related to Coronavirus. All funding has been disbursed to GC Students to assist them with any expenses related to Coronavirus based on guidance from the U.S. Department of Education and the University System of Georgia.
In keeping with the CARES Act distribution regulations, the following outlines the GC Financial Aid Office Emergency Financial Aid Grant funds distribution.
- GC distributed approximately $1.4 million to all qualifying students based on the tiered EFC outlined below for Spring 20 Semester. No application process applied to this group. Students who had a FAFSA on file for the 2019-2020 or 2020-2021 aid year with an Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) of $0 - $25,000 were automatically awarded based on the requirements below. Students with EFCs of greater than $25,000 could apply using the CARES Act application below and were offered $300 if approved.
EFC $0 - $5,576 = $800 award
EFC $5,577 - $15,000 = $500 award
EFC $15,001 - $25,000 = $300 award
- In a continuous effort to assist our students, an additional disbursement of $300 was disbursed to all students who received CARES Funds for Spring term 2020 and were enrolled during Summer term prior to June 15, 2020. Students received these funds mid- June 2020.
- Students who were not automatically offered the emergency grant were considered for funding if they met ALL of the following eligibility requirements:
- Had not already received emergency financial aid grant funds from the CARES Act (unless additional supporting documentation was submitted for review)
- Completed a 2019-2020 FAFSA Application or 2020-2021 FAFSA Application
- Met all of the following Title IV eligibility requirements:
- 1. U.S. Citizenship or Eligible Noncitizen
- 2. Valid Social Security Number
- 3. Registration with Selective Service if the student is male
- 4. Have a high school diploma, GED, or have completed a high school in an approved homeschool setting
- 5. Maintain satisfactory academic progress, if presently enrolled
- 6. No refund owed on a Federal student grant or be in default on any Federal student loan
- 7. Submitted a Statement of Educational Purpose if requested by the Financial Aid Office
- 8. No conviction for any guilty plea to a crime involving fraud in obtaining federal student aid
- 9. No conviction for specific drug offenses (any offense under any Federal or State law involving the possession or sale of a controlled substance for conduct that occurred during a period of enrollment for which the student was receiving Federal student aid)
- Were enrolled at Georgia College for Spring Term 2020 at the time of course disruption due to the Coronavirus
- Were not enrolled in all online courses for Spring Term 2020 prior to March 13, 2020
- Completed the online Emergency Grant Funding Application using the “CARES Act Application” link below. Students who were approved for funding received $300 from these funds. A CARES review committee reviewed each application and rendered approval or denials. Processing time was approximately 2 to 3 weeks.
- Please note that students who did not complete a FAFSA for 2019-2020 and completed a 2020-2021 FAFSA, but did not complete the verification process were only offered $300.00. Once the verification process was completed and if the updated EFC ranged in the above tiers, the student was offered additional eligibility not to exceed $800 in total funds.
- Students with extreme documentable circumstances were to submit documentation with the application to be considered for more than amount offered. Students were reviewed by the Financial Aid Office on a case by case basis for additional eligibility amounts.
- Students enrolled in Fall Semester 2020 with a 2020-2021 FASFA on file and had previously contacted the Financial Aid Office in regards to being impacted by a financial hardship related to the Coronavirus were automatically awarded $800 with no application needed.
- The CARES Act Application was re-opened to any student enrolled in Fall Semester 2020 with a 2020-2021 FAFSA on file who had been impacted by a financial hardship related to the Coronavirus AND had not previously received CARES Act funding for Fall Semester 2020. The student submitted an online application with details documenting how they had been impacted financially along with having met the enrollment and FAFSA completion requirements and was awarded $800 in CARES Act funding. This application closed after all funding was disbursed to students on November 18, 2020.
GC received additional Federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Funding (HEERF II) to assist students who were affected financially due to hardship related to Coronavirus. All funding will be disbursed to GC Students to assist them with any emergency expenses related to Coronavirus based on guidance from the U.S. Department of Education and the University System of Georgia.
In keeping with the HEERF II distribution regulations, the following outlines the GC Financial Aid Office plan for HEERF II Emergency Financial Aid Grant funds of $2,665,000. The amount of $2,665,000 includes $2,041,014 in Grant Funds and $623,986 from Institutional Funds. Eligible students will receive awards in the amount of $1,000 to assist with emergency costs due to coronavirus, such as tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health care), or childcare. Students will not receive an aggregate award exceeding the maximum Pell Grant limit of $6495. Only students who are citizens and eligible non-citizens will receive the funding. These funds will be distributed beginning March 2021 through August 2021.
- Prioritization will be given to students with exceptional need. Undergraduate students currently enrolled for Spring 2021 who have completed a FAFSA application with an EFC of 0 to 21,000 show exceptional need due to the difference in their Cost of Attendance and their EFC, giving them a unmet need. These students will automatically be reviewed and awarded HEERF II funds.
- Prioritization will be given to students with exceptional need. Graduate students currently enrolled for Spring 2021 who have completed a FAFSA application with an EFC of 0 to 18,000 show exceptional need due to the difference in their Cost of Attendance and their EFC, giving them an unmet need. These students will automatically be reviewed and awarded HEERF II funds.
- Remaining balance of HEERF II funds will be determined and funds distributed to students who complete the institution’s application for consideration of these funds. Students who complete the application must have a 2020-2021 FAFSA on file and no balance due on their GC account. Prioritization will be given to students who self-demonstrate exceptional need on this application and provide an explanation of emergency expense they incurred after December 27, 2020 due to the coronavirus. Of these students our office will contact students who have reached out to us regarding hardship due to the coronavirus and do not fall into categories 1 or 2 to notify them of this application.
GC received additional Federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Funding (HEERF III) to assist students who were affected financially due to hardship related to Coronavirus. All funding will be disbursed to GC Students to assist them with any emergency expenses related to Coronavirus based on guidance from the U.S. Department of Education and the University System of Georgia.
In keeping with the HEERF III distribution regulations, the following outlines the GC Financial Aid Office plan for HEERF III Emergency Financial Aid Grant funds of $5,453,527. All eligible students will receive a one-time award in the amount of $1,500 to assist with emergency costs due to coronavirus, such as tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health care), or childcare. These funds may be used to cover any component of the student’s cost of attendance. Students will not receive an aggregate award exceeding the maximum Pell Grant limit of $6495. These funds will be distributed beginning September 2021 through May 2022.
- Prioritization will be given to students with exceptional need. Undergraduate students currently enrolled for Fall 2021 who have completed a FAFSA application with an official verified EFC of 0 to 25,000 show exceptional need due to the difference in their Cost of Attendance and their EFC, giving them an unmet need. These students will automatically be reviewed and awarded HEERF III funds. Students with outstanding balances on their account will not be eligible for HEERF III funds.
- Prioritization will be given to students with exceptional need. Graduate students currently enrolled for Fall 2021 who have completed a FAFSA application with an official verified EFC of 0 to 22,000 show exceptional need due to the difference in their Cost of Attendance and their EFC, giving them an unmet need. These students will automatically be reviewed and awarded HEERF III funds. Students with outstanding balances on their account will not be eligible for HEERF III funds.
- An amount will be set aside to assist students who are new undergraduate and graduate students to Georgia College for Spring 2022. These funds will be automatically awarded to students once all charges have been paid by students for the term and their official verified EFC falls in the the ranges previously listed.
- Remaining balance of HEERF III funds will be determined and funds distributed to currently enrolled students who have not already been awarded HEERF III funds and who complete the institution’s HEERF III application for consideration of these funds. Prioritization will be given to students who self-demonstrate exceptional need on this application. Students to be considered for this application process will include Title IV eligible students, students who are not Title IV eligible students, international students and students not making SAP. Dual Enrollment students will not be considered for these funds. Students with outstanding balances on their account will not be eligible for HEERF III funds. Please allow a processing time for up to 2 weeks after submission of the HEERF III application.
UPDATE: The HEERF III application is currently closed due to no additional funds being available at this time. The application will re-open if additional funds become available. Please monitor our website for the most up-to-date HEERF information.
HEERF Application
Federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Funding (HEERF) Application
UPDATE: The HEERF III application is currently closed due to no additional funds being available at this time. The application will re-open if additional funds become available. Please monitor our website for the most up-to-date HEERF information.
Federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Funding (HEERF) to Students Fund Reporting
Heerf I STudent REPORT 05/08/2020
HEERF I Student Report 06/22/2020
Heerf I Student REPORT 08/06/2020
HEERF I Student REPORT 09/21/2020
HEERF I Student Report 11/02/2020
HEERF I Student Report 12/18/2020
HEERF I STUDENT REPORT 02/02/2021 - Final report
HEERF II Student Report 06/01/2021 - FINAL REPORT
HEERF I, II, III Emergency Student Aid Qtrly Report 09/30/2021
Federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Funding (HEERF) to Institution Fund Reporting
HEERF I Institution Report 09/30/2020
HEERF II Institution Report 03/31/2021
HEERF Institution Report 03/31/2021
00160200_HEERF_Q12021_041021 revised
HEERF Institution Report 06/30/2021
00160200_HEERF_Q22021_071021 revised
HEERF Institution Report 09/30/2021
00160200_HEERF_Q32021_101021 revised
HEERF INSTITUTION REPORT 09/30/2021 00160200_HEERF_Q32021_101021 REVISED
HEERF INSTITUTION REPORT 12/31/2021 00160200_HEERF_Q42021_011022
HEERF INSTITUTION REPORT 3/31/2022 – 00160200 HEERF_Q12022_041022
HEERF Quarterly Reporting (New format effective QTR 2 2022)
HEERF Report-Quarter 2 for 2022 00160200 HEERF_Q22022_071022
HEERF Report – Quarter 3 for 2022 00160200 HEERF_Q32022_101022
HEERF Report – Quarter 4 for 2022 00160200 HEERF_Q42022_011023
HEERF Report-QUARTER 1 for 2023 00160200 HEERF_Q12023_041023
HEERF REPORT-QUARTER 2 FOR 2023 00160200 HEERF_Q22023_071023
Final heerf report- quarter 3 for 2023 00160200 heerf_q32023_101023