We will cultivate an environment that promotes lasting positive change by collaboratively developing and sustaining meaningful, reciprocal relationships that value and elevate the contributions of all on campus, with local communities, with alumni, and beyond.
1. Pursue a culture of connectedness on campus that fosters positive morale and mutual respect for all students, faculty, and staff.
a. Develop, promote, and support opportunities for engagement among students, faculty, and staff.
b. Create an atmosphere of belonging and connectedness that promotes the retention of students, faculty and staff.
c. Explore innovative ways of working that promote the balance of productivity and wellness.
d. Increase employee satisfaction and retention.
e. Increase transparency and communication of university-wide changes and developments across campus.
f. Enhance the roles and voices of staff in shared governance systems.
2. Develop collaborative partnerships with local communities to advance the goals of both the university and the areas we serve.
a. Increase participation with community boards, civic organizations, and local non-profits through a common calendar, representatives at organizational meetings, and regular presence at community events.
b. Collaborate with partner organizations to collectively address pressing issues and support the well-being of the community at large.
c. Provide students, faculty, and staff with comprehensive education and training about the communities with which they engage prior to community-based engaged learning experiences.
d. Enhance pathways for local and regional students to attend the university by reducing obstacles to admission and enrollment.
3. Strengthen relationships between and among the university and alumni.
a. Develop strategies, events, and programming designed to foster meaningful relationships with alumni.
b. Enhance graduate education pathways and lifelong learning for GCSU alumni.
4. Establish mutually beneficial academic and industrial partnerships that extend the university’s reach beyond our region.
a. Expand professional studies/continuing education programs that will bring value to businesses and industries across the region.
b. Harness the expertise of the entire campus community to expand relationships with regional organizations that offer internship opportunities for students.
Progress and metric information coming soon!