Imagine 2030 Resources

Imagine 2030 Liaisons

If you are interested in getting more involved in the implementation of the strategic plan, consider serving as an Imagine 2030 Strategic Planning Liaison. Any full-time faculty or staff member may serve as a liaison. Imagine 2030 Liaisons:

  • Are knowledgeable about the pillars, goals and objectives, definitions and assessment timelines of Imagine 2030 
  • Facilitate the communication of the strategic planning process from the strategic planning steering committee to departments and units
  • Advocate for the strategic plan and help foster potential implementation ideas
  • Share information from departments and units back to the steering committee about progress and continuous improvement
  • Facilitate collaborative partnerships across campus
  • Help provide guidance and feedback on reporting and assessment content for strategic planning reports

Current Imagine 2030 Liaisons:

  • Christine Amezquita: Career Center
  • Joy Bracewell: Writing Center
  • Angela Criscoe: School of Continuing & Professional Studies
  • Jennifer Flory: Department of Music
  • Shelia Gray: Office of Inclusive Excellence
  • Janet Windham-Quin: ISCS, College of Business & Technology