Graphics and words as to CUR's mission

About the council on undergraduate research

The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) and its affiliated colleges, universities, and individuals share a focus on providing undergraduate research opportunities for faculty and students at all institutions serving undergraduate students. CUR believes that faculty members enhance their teaching and contribution to society by remaining active in research and by involving undergraduates in research. CUR’s leadership works with agencies and foundations to enhance research opportunities for faculty and students. CUR provides support for faculty development. Our publications and outreach activities are designed to share successful models and strategies for establishing and institutionalizing undergraduate research programs. We assist administrators and faculty members in improving and assessing the research environment at their institutions. CUR also provides information on the importance of undergraduate research to state legislatures, private foundations, government agencies, and the U.S. Congress. CUR welcomes faculty and administrators from all academic institutions. Our primary advocacy is in support of faculty and undergraduate students engaged in research. CUR achieves its vision through efforts of its membership as organized in a divisional structure that includes arts and humanities, biology, chemistry, engineering, geosciences, health sciences, mathematics and computer science, physics and astronomy, psychology, social sciences, an at-large division that serves administrators and other disciplines, and a division for directors of undergraduate research programs.
Definition of Undergraduate Research: An inquiry or investigation conducted by an undergraduate student that makes an original intellectual or creative contribution to the discipline.
The Council on Undergraduate Research, founded in 1978, is a national organization of individual and institutional members representing over 900 colleges and universities.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Council on Undergraduate Research is to support and promote high-quality mentored undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative inquiry.

CUR provides support and professional development opportunities for faculty, staff, administrators, and students. Our publications and outreach activities are designed to share successful models and strategies for establishing, nurturing, and institutionalizing undergraduate research programs. We assist administrators and faculty members in improving and assessing the research environment at their institutions. We recognize institutions that have exemplary undergraduate research programs and faculty who have facilitated undergraduate research at their institutions through their mentorship and leadership. We also provide information on the importance of undergraduate research to private foundations, government agencies, state legislatures, and the U.S. Congress. Faculty, staff, administrators, students, and colleagues from all types of academic institutions and organizations form the dynamic CUR membership. CUR's vision statement is "Enriching and advancing society through undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative inquiry." 

Organizational Core Values

CUR's core values include: Excellence in all that we do,  respect and integrity in all of our interactions, flexibility, responsiveness, and innovation in our implementation, and recognizing and valuing differences in our community. 

CUR Statement on diversity 

The Council on Undergraduate Research is committed to inclusivity and diversity in all of its activities, therefore CUR will increase and nurture participation of individuals and groups that have been traditionally underrepresented in undergraduate research.

governance, membership, programs, and sources of support

The Council on Undergraduate Research is a national 501(c) (3) not-for-profit educational organization. CUR is governed by a Council, which is elected by the members of each of our seven disciplinary divisions, one at-large division, and one division for undergraduate research program directors. The Council elects an Executive Committee, which in turn chooses a National Executive Officer, who manages the national office. CUR is a grassroots organization whose principal support comes from its dues-paying individual and institutional members. Together, they represent over 900 colleges and universities. Most of our members are private and public liberal arts colleges and comprehensive universities, although our membership does include faculty and administrators from research universities with a strong emphasis on undergraduate education. CUR accepts grants, contracts, and contributions. CUR hosts an undergraduate research poster session on Capitol Hill produces a Quarterly journal and provides special Institutes on undergraduate research and faculty development as well as a bi-annual national conference.

Georgia College CUR councilors and Cur campus contact

  • Karen Berman, At-Large, Nomination Committee Member (Term Expires June 2023)
  • Tsu-Ming Chiang, Psychology, CUR Assessment Task Force Co-Chair (re-elected for the July 2021-June 2024 term).
  • Hasitha Mahabaduge, Physics, Internationalization Task Force Member (re-elected for the July 2021-June 2024 term).
  • Kelly Massey, Health Sciences, CUR HS Division Chair, E-Board Member, CUR Student Programs Task Force Member (July 2022-June 2025).
  • Kevin Bucholtz, CUR Campus Contact 
  • Stefanie Sevcik, Campus Liaison and Member, Undergraduate Research Programs Division

Georgia college cur enhanced membership 

Becoming a member is FREE and easy for faculty, staff, and students. Scan the CUR Code to go directly to the application, be sure to type in Georgia College and the cost goes to $0.00

 For more information click on here: CUR

Please be sure to follow Twitter @CURinAction, where you can find real-time updates on undergraduate research and CUR’s action in the field!!!

Cur business meeting and undergraduate research program conference (urpc)

Details TBA

Cur biennial meeting and conference 2020

This was the first virtual CUR Biennial Meeting and Conference.

CUR Biennial Meeting and conference 2018

Biennial Business Meeting was held June 28-June 30 / CUR Conference July 1-July 3, 2018 (Conference Photos)

cur conference
CUR President Report 2021