Freshman Required Programs

Georgia College & State University is requiring every member of their first year class to complete three online training modules before arriving on campus. The programs are AlcoholEdu, Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates, and Hazing Prevention.

AlcoholEdu is a non-opinionated, science-based course taken by hundreds of thousands of students each year. Whether or not you drink, AlcoholEdu empowers students to make well-informed decisions and provides some simple strategies to help keep you and your friends safe. We also promote student health and safety through the use of Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates, a program that educates students about the elements of healthy relationships, the importance of sexual consent, and the role of bystanders in creating safe, healthy communities. Hazing Prevention is a course that also encourages bystander intervention while also giving students the opportunity to participate in university groups and organizations safely.

We feel all of these programs will provide a solid foundation to our new students on how to make healthier choices and how to help someone else when they need assistance. 

All Three of these programs Will open July 18, 2024 for incoming freshman.

All first-year, incoming Georgia College freshmen for the Fall 2024 semester must complete Part 1 of AlcoholEdu and Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates, and Hazing Prevention, by August 16th, 2024.

Emails will be sent to GCSU student's bobcat accounts and will have all of the log on details. The programs can be accessed through My GCSU. After completion of Part 1 for AlcoholEdu, Sexual Assault Prevention,  and Hazing Prevention, approximately 45 days later, you will receive an automated email indicating that it is time for you to complete Part 2 of AlcoholEdu, Sexual Assault Prevention, and Hazing Prevention and the final surveys. 

You must complete Part 2 of all three required programs by October 11th, 2024.

Completion of the full courses is a requirement of your First-Year Academic Seminar.  You will have to complete each of the courses with a passing grade on the exam to receive a passing grade in your seminar class.    

Fall 2024 Freshman Important Dates

  • Programs open: July 18, 2024
  • Part 1 of: AlcoholEdu, Sexual Assault Prevention, Hazing Prevention- Due August 16, 2024
  • The Deadline for completing Part 2  (of AEU and SAPU) will be October 11th, 2024

Dean of Students
Student Activities Center
(478) 445- 2090