For Students

MSCM Practicums are supervised fieldwork completed on-campus for one of the student media outlets or a university department. The goal of all Mass Communication practicums is to prepare our students and give them the practical experience to develop both their skillset and professional portfolio. Every practicum has both an on-site supervisor and an academic supervisor.

6 Easy Steps for Registering for a Practicum

  1. Register for MSCM 2930 during the appropriate registration period
  2. Attend the Practicum Kick-Off meeting on the first day of class
  3. Check Georgia View (link to Georgia view) for a full list of available practicums and their descriptions
  4. Setup and attend interview(s) with the on-site practicum supervisor
  5. If approved by the supervisor, submit a signed contract for the practicum obtained through the interview process*
  6. Submit incremental progress reports to the academic supervisor via Georgia View
  7. Complete a minimum of 45 hours of work during the duration of the semester

*All signed contracts are due to the practicum academic supervisor no later than the first Friday of the semester at 12 p.m. Students who do not submit a signed contract by the deadline must drop MSCM 2930.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any further questions, please contact Christina Smith, the practicum academic supervisor.

What if I am not selected for a practicum?

While it is not likely, this does happen occasionally. Most often we see this with first-time practicum students trying to get a practicum spot in student media. For graduating seniors who must have a practicum to graduate on time, you need to keep your practicum academic supervisor up-to-date on your progress so s/he can help you get a practicum spot.

Can I complete two practicums at the same time?

No, you cannot take two practicums concurrently.

What if I don’t know how to complete a project my on-site supervisor asks me to do?

If you are working for student media, remember that the executive/editorial staff are chosen as leaders for a reason, and they should be able to help you. Also, you can always contact the media advisor and ask for help.

If you are working for an on-campus department or office, the first thing to do is let your on-site supervisor know that you are struggling. They may be able to help you right away. If they can’t help, then you can either contact the practicum academic supervisor or consult the resource list provided. All students completing a practicum with an on-campus department will receive a list of resources and contacts that are available to help you solve problems. Students will receive this list via email, and it will be posted in Georgia View.

What if I don’t deliver on the terms of my practicum contract?

If you follow through with the suggestions outlined in the answer to the previous question, this should not happen; however, we’ve certainly had students who do not successfully complete their practicum. Failure to meet the minimum requirements of your practicum gives your on-site supervisor the right to fail you for the course.

How am I graded for my practicum?

The grade distribution is outlined in the course syllabus and is subject to change; however, the grade distribution generally is as follows:

* 5% = Signed contract submitted on time

* 20% = Student’s progress reports (four due during the semester)

* 30% = On-Site Supervisor’s midterm Evaluation

* 45% = On-Site Supervisor’s final Evaluation.