Economics and Debate Club
For anyone interested in the Georgia College & `State University Economics Department and associated programs. We try to meet several times a semester with a variety of events.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Brooke Conaway
Office: Atkinson Hall 413
Phone: 478-445-1240
Email: brooke.conaway@gcsu.edu
Popular Events
- Movie Night
- Philosophy Club Debate
- Guest Speakers
- Trips to the Federal Reserve
Omicron Delta Epsilon
International Honor Society in Economics
Omicron Delta Epsilon is dedicated to the encouragement of excellence in economics. It encourages devotion on the part of its members as economists to the advancement of their science and to the scholarly effort to make freedom from want and deprivation a reality for all mankind.
Eligibility: Each spring we induct the top students in the program into ODE. Minimum requirements include a 3.0 overall GPA, a 3.0 GPA in all economics courses, and at least 12 semester hours of completed economics coursework.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. JJ Arias
Office: Atkinson Hall 421
Phone: 478-445-2085
Email: jj.arias@gcsu.edu
ODE is the international honor society in economics. Each spring we induct the top students in the program into ODE. Minimum requirements include a 3.0 overall GPA, a 3.0 GPA in all economics courses, and at least 12 semester hours of completed economics coursework. ODE graduates are honored with copper honor cords to wear at the graduation ceremony. (Copper is the color that
represents the economics discipline.)
Additional Information
ODE is one of the largest academic honor societies. Members include Nobel laureates
and other famous economists. The objectives of ODE are:
- To confer distinction for high scholastic achievement in economics.
- To stimulate and promote student interests in all aspects of economics.
- To publish an official journal to be entitled The American Economist.
- To sponsor the Fisher-Taussig Award Competitions.
The ODE Philosophy
Omicron Delta Epsilon is dedicated to the encouragement of excellence in economics. It encourages devotion on the part of its members as economists to the advancement of their science and to the scholarly effort to make freedom
from want and deprivation a reality for all mankind.
Georgia College Members (Initiation Year):
2017: Logan Creekmur, Brian Dollarhide, Isabelle Evans, Sungmee Kim, Justin Morgan
2016: Andrew Benson, Emma Brodzik, Brent Echols, Sara Etalalahti, Klaire Fisher, Julia Fox, Nicholas Kollinger, Morgan Scarboro, Justin Suda, Frtiz Young
2015: Marisa Boyette, Nicholas Hanchey, Kelly Lee, Matthew Kennedy, Miles Washburn, Austin McTier, Kevin Morris, Blake Smallwood, Timothy Smith
2014: Diana Akhmetzyanova, Alaina Totten, Cullen Wallace, Mackenzie Yaegeer,
2013: Lauren Abis, Bailey Dobbs, Caroline Faber, Christopher Blake, Alan McCurdy, Sophia Markowich, Andrew Svorcek, Timothy Kyle, Mackenzie Yaeger
2012: Keith Carpio, Eleanor Clifton, Thomas Cornay, Amanda Kendrick, Leah Kitashima, Cody Reitz
2011: Jordan Bennett, Timothy Bosch, Aaron McCorkle, Kathryn Jones
2010: Cameron Ellis, Daniel Post, Caroline Rentz, Brett Vrieze, Brandon Williams
2009: Elena Andreyeva, Laura Dorick, Rory Schussler
2008: Ashim Bhattarai, Shashwat Bhattarai, John Harpe
2007: Matthew Baxter, Justin Beck, John Camp, Ashley Demos, Brent Evans, Eric Jordan, Ryan Mickey, Sam Rauschenberg, Jeannette Spraley, Stacey Team, Mathew Vowels
2006: William Bowers, Robert Buckley, Lisa Cash, Patrick Ewing, Mallory Getts, Anthony Green, Onyebuchi Rapu, Andy Walker, Todd Wells
2005: Ashley Manthei, Chris Tunning, Heather Wiley, Mai Yang
2004: Abhas Ghimire, William Minschwaner, Rachael Sosebee, David Wallace, Joseph White
2003: Matt Clance, John Downey, Joseph Fountain, Daniel Hall, Michael Holland, Dennis Howel, Ryan Kitson, Iheanyi Maduka, Veronica Morrison, Christopher Snider, Morgan Stallings, Steven Stembridge, Kremena Vassileva
2002: Brooke Conaway, Devlin Cooper, Gary Cressend, Josefina Endere, Jean-Francois Giguere, Patrick McKeown, Dilanka Seimon, Holly Stuart