The Specialist in Education (Ed.S.) program in Special Education offered in the Department of Teacher Education provides advanced study for qualified educators. The program of study builds upon work completed at the master’s level; targets the knowledge and skills for translating research into evidence-based practices with students with disabilities; and prepares advanced practitioners to be architects of change and leaders in the professional community.
The Specialist in Education program in Special Education is organized around cohorts. Each cohort is supervised by one faculty member who assures that students meet all program standards prior to graduation. Applicants for this program are required to hold current clear renewable T-5 level certification in Special Education through the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.
The Specialist in Education program requires a minimum of 30 semester hours of coursework beyond the Master of Education degree or the Master of Arts in Teaching degree. Specialist programs must be completed, with the degree awarded, within six years of the initial coursework listed on the program of study. Only those courses listed on the Program of Graduate Study fulfill degree requirements. Substitutions must be approved by the advisor prior to course enrollment and a Change of Graduate Program of Study form submitted to the office of the Department chairperson. Grades below a B do not fulfill degree requirements.
PhD, Texas A&M University; MA, University of St. Thomas; BA, Salem College
Instructional coaching methods that positively impact the implementation of research based instructional practices; Call to vocation’s impact on teacher retention; Teacher knowledge and beliefs about pedagogical principles and the impact on the provision of differentiated instruction.