Closing Details
Central Campus Close Down Information (coming soon)
The Village Close Down Information (coming soon)
Mandatory Closing Meetings
All residents must attend a mandatory close down meeting hosted by a CA. View the hall Closing Meetings Schedule (coming soon). See your CA for further details.
Scheduling a Check-Out Appointment
All students must check out with a staff member. All appointments must be scheduled 24 hours in advance. Please see your CA or The Village Office.
Check-Out Video - Central Campus
Check-Out Video - The Village
Command Strip Removal
If you used 3M Command Strips, make sure you're removing them properly to avoid costly damages to the walls. Visit the 3M website for removal instructions. Instructions can also be found at your hall's office.

Damage Charges
Should an item in your room be damaged or missing, you may be held financially responsible. Please consult the Check Out Damage Charge List for an estimate for repair or replacement.
Mail Forwarding
You can complete the Change of Address form at Mail Services.