The minor in Physical Education is open to students from any major who are interested in health, physical education, fitness, exercise prescription or in applying to the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Kinesiology/Physical Education. This minor includes a sequence of 18 required credit hours.
The minor in Physical Education enables students to complete prerequisite requirements for application to the MAT: Physical Education (K-12 Health and Physical Education Teacher Certification). Students majoring in disciplines outside the School of Health and Human Performance who are interested in the MAT application option are advised to make an appointment with School of Health and Human Performance advisor to discuss potential activity-based options that are required for teacher certification in the State of Georgia.
Ph.D., Physical Education Teacher Education, University of South Carolina
Dr. Hunt earned his doctoral degree from the University of South Carolina in 2011. Currently, he is a. Professor in the School of Health and Human Performance at Georgia College. He has accumulated eight publications in peer-reviewed academic journals; twenty-seven presentations at local, state, district, national and international conferences; and approximately $55,000 in awarded research and scholarship grants. Dr. Hunt was awarded the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning award in 2015, the Scholarship and Creative Endeavors award in 2016, and the Georgia AHPERD Young Scholar award in 2016.